Review Detail

PSA & Ticketing C claimme 2907
Connectwise runs my business
My company Evolve IT Australia originally signed up as a Connectwise partner since 2007 simply to manage our recently created client agreements and have some integration and communication with our RMM tool but our attitude towards the importance this product would play in our business instantly changed once we set it up and saw the financial benefits within the first 30 days alone. It was then and only then that we decided that this will be our business platform for all areas of our business. Like any other PSA or RMM tool, to maximise the potential of the product, you MUST set aside time to properly plan, train, implement and empower your team to be part of the process. I believe these in conjunction with purchasing Connectwise are the keys to success with implementing a PSA.

We use most almost all areas of Connectwise with a real focus on the Sales, Accounting and RMM integration pieces. To have flow right from the opportunity stage, to the quote, to the purchase order, invoice, general ledger and then back out to managing the asset with agreements, renewals etc, it covers every aspect of our business returning instant value and meeting our recurring revenue goals.

Connectwise offers a training and resource area like no other that we have seen from a vendor. There is more education resources and training videos than you can ever apply or use. To be able to assign a category of training for an employee to complete and successfully pass in order to start their job/role as well as ongoing training as roles change or the business grows is invaluable. The training and successful passing of free online courses in the university is part of our on boarding process of a new staff member. The support is fantastic (especially love the Live Chat support), discussion forums are VERY active and most of our suggestions over the years for enhancements that we have submitted have now been chosen and built into Connectwise.

Finally I think the strength of Connectwise also comes from partners. As far as community is concerned, they have nailed it. From quarterly user groups where we come together to work with Connectwise and other partners to achieve better results for all, to their tight relationships with the other key vendors we use. These vendor relationships covering RMM tools, sales, security right through to reporting companies ensures we have the correct flow of information through our business.

If you are hoping to purchase a PSA as a “magic pill” to fix your business like many companies have done with purchasing RMM tools, remember that nothing much will change until you set aside plenty of time to properly plan, train, implement and empower your team to be part of the process. Connectwise now runs my business and since 2007, I have never looked back.
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